Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yay, Jungle Cruise!

Lines are short, a little rainy out and an elephant shoots me and ellie at point blank range with the slimy sludge of the jungle cruise. Karen and Madelinr got the ricochet ad well. Now that we are soaked from head to toe, the Disney employee offers us a one garment comp. Considering we are soaked to the skin, that's no good. Went to customer relations and got a head to toe outfit replacement for most of us.

Hopefully, Pat the conductor gets fired and I don't grow an extra arm overnight.

Posted with LifeCast


momto2boys said...

Well yeah for free stuff! I can't believe they actually got you with that water....hopefully no growths have formed!

Dot said...

I sure would have liked to have seen that picture of all 4 of you dripping wet!!! That would have made a GREAT Disney picture. Stay DRY today!!!!

vsteph said...

Well, "if" you do grow that third arm, it's always good to have an "extra hand"... Hope today was a better, dryer day...